Health Occupations Students of America

Future health professional student organization that focuses on the development of leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness, and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program.


To empower future health professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience.


HOSA Scholarship Eligibility

  1. GPA of 3.0 or Better
  2. Two Letters of Recommendations
    1. One from the Local HOSA Advisor. 
    2. One from a Health Care Professional.
  3. 75 Verified Hours of Community Service
    1. Must have been completed during the current HOSA year, four of which must be dedicated to the HOSA Service Project (HSP).
  4. Personal Essay
    1. 500 Word Minimum.


2022-2023 HOSA Chapter Leaders
HOSA Chapter President: Anthony Gonzalez
Chapter President
 This is Anthony’s third year in office previously being the reporter. Anthony hopes to bring in new member and hopes the members are able to grow as both a person and as a leader. Outside of the classroom, Antony enjoys hanging out with friends and play games. In the future, Anthony wants to attend CSU Stanislaus and major in Kinesiology to become a Physical Therapist.
 HOSA Chapter Vice President: Cadence Duclo
Vice President
Cadence is a senior and a second year officer planning on continuing the greatness of HOSA. In her free time, she loves to play softball and spend time with friends and family. In the future, Cadence plans on attending college to become a Pediatrician.
HOSA Chapter Secretary: Nathaly Zavala
Chapter Secretary
Zavala, is an 11th grader and this is her first year in office. Nathaly's goal is to bring in new members to the HOSA Chapter by showing how great and inspiring HOSA can be.  Away from school Nathaly likes to play soccer. In the future Nathaly wants to attend UC Davis to major in Biology. She will later like to become a Plastic Surgeon in the future.
HOSA Chapter Treasurer: Ayonna Guerrero
Chapter Treasurer
 Ayonna is a second year officer, previously serving as our HOSA secretary, and wants to expand HOSA and inspire new members. During her free time, Ayonna enjoys reading and spending time with her friends. Ayonna dreams of going to Sacramento State to become a Nurse Anesthesiologist.
HOSA Chapter Reporter: Mia Espinoza
Chapter Reporter
Mia is currently a junior hoping to make her mark in the Le grand HOSA Chapter. Mia enjoys playing basketball and reading. In the future, Mia would like to attend UC Merced to later become a general doctor.