Classes Offered

Course ID: 800
Target Grade: 9th Grade
Graduation Requirement: Physical/Earth Science
A-G: Area G Science Elective
CSF Course: List II
This class is intended to prepare students for more formal treatment of concepts, principles, and theories. As a way to demonstrate the relevance of Earth Science to each student's life and environment, investigation and experimentation will be expected. Students will be expected to: formulate hypotheses, design experiments that will enable them to test predictions, and complete independent research projects. This class will utilize local and regional issues and concerns to stimulate problem-solving activities and to foster a sense of Earth stewardship by students in their communities. The class will establish an expanded learning environment, which incorporates fieldwork, technological access to data, and traditional classroom and laboratory activities.
Course ID: 830
Target Grade: 9th Grade Medical Academy
Graduation Requirement: Life Science/Biology
A-G: Area D Science CSF Course: List I
This course has an emphasis on the Medical application of the scientific method, molecular and cellular aspects of living organisms, reproduction and inheritance, and biological principles, as related. Students will communicate by reading lab procedures, participating in class discussions, and using newspapers, textbooks, and science magazine articles. Students will be tested in various forms such as short answers, essay questions on tests, and much more. For the speaking aspects of the class, each student will give individual and in-group classroom presentations. Students will learn the ethics of the class with the knowledge and adherence to classroom rules.
Course ID: 125
Ag Academy: 126
Graduation Requirement: Life Science/Biology
A-G: Area D Science
CSF Course: List I
This course has an agricultural emphasis on the application of the scientific method, molecular and cellular aspects of living organisms, reproduction and inheritance, biological principles, as related to everyday living, structure and function of living organisms, principles of classification, and ecological relationships. Eventually, students may have to dissect or collect insects as part of class projects. Students will communicate by reading lab procedures, participating in class discussions, and using newspapers, textbooks, and science magazine articles. Students will be tested in various forms such as short-answer, essay questions on tests, and much more. For the speaking aspects of the class, each student will give individual and in-group classroom presentations. Students will learn the ethics of the class with the knowledge and adherence to classroom rules. Students are also required to participate in agricultural activities through the FFA.
Course ID: 840
Graduation Requirement: Physical/Earth Science or Science Elective
A-G: Area D Science
CSF Course: List I
Chemistry is the study of matter, what everything is made of. Through classroom study and laboratory activities, students will gain an understanding of matter and its properties, and of how we can manipulate matter to benefit our lives. Students will also gain the ability to enrich their understanding of chemistry and communicate their own ideas to others.
Course ID: 135
Target Grade: 11th Grade Ag Academy
Graduation Requirement: Physical/Earth Science or Science/Math Electives
A-G: Area D Science
CSF Course: –
This course explores the physical and chemical nature of soil as well as the relationships between soil, plants, animals, and agricultural practices. Students will examine the properties of soil and land and their connections to plant and animal production. Using knowledge of scientific protocols as well as course content, students will develop an Agriscience research program to be conducted throughout the first semester of the course. To complete that whole project each student will investigate and test an Agriscience research question by formulating a scientific question related to the course content, formulating a hypothesis based on related research, conducting an experiment to test the hypothesis, collecting quantitative data, and forming a conclusion based on analysis of the data. The result of this research program will be an in-depth research and experimentation paper that is technically written, based on scientific protocol, and cited using APA formatting. Additionally, students will develop and present a capstone soil management plan for agricultural producers, using the content learned throughout the course. Throughout the course, students will be graded on participation in extracurricular FFA activities as well as the development and maintenance of an ongoing Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program.
Course ID: 850
A-G: Area D Science
CSF Course: List I
Physics is the study of the physical world. It’s about how matter and energy are related, and how the world around you works. Through classroom study and laboratory exercises, students will learn that the world around them is governed by rules and be able to predict the outcome of events. Students will also gain the ability to enrich their understanding of physics and communicate their own ideas to others.
Course ID: 132
Target Grade: 12th Grade Medical Academy
A-G: Area D Science
CSF Course: List I
Human Anatomy and Physiology is the senior year science class for the Medical Academy. This course is a laboratory science class that covers human anatomy and physiology and is designed for the student intending to pursue a career in a medical or health-related field. The course will focus on the integration of structure and function of body systems needed to maintain homeostasis. It will integrate topics related to health and fitness such as nutrition, exercise and kinesiology, and disease. Microscopy work is a component of all system laboratory activities in conjunction with dissections. Students are exposed to and engage in hands-on common clinical practices pertaining to diagnosis. Computers/laptops are utilized regularly for research, data input, and data analysis during laboratory work. This course will heavily mirror the curriculum designed by the Health and Science Pipeline Initiative Medical Anatomy and Physiology Curriculum; a large number of the laboratory activities in the HASPI curriculum comprise this curriculum and have been modified to meet budgetary and time constraints.
Course ID: 131
Target Grade:11th/12th
Grade Graduation Requirement: Science/Math Elective
A-G: Area G College Preparatory Elective
CSF Course: List II
Veterinary Science is designed to provide students with an opportunity to study the science of veterinary medicine, including, animal anatomy and physiology, animal health, nutrition, and cause/prevention of disease. Students will also learn various veterinary laboratory skills, aseptic and surgical procedures, basic radiology, and scientific research and writing skills.
Course ID: 130
Target Grade:11th/12th
Graduation Requirement: Science/Math Electives
A-G: Area G College Preparatory Elective
CSF Course: List III
CTE: Capstone Course
Dual Enrollment: LAND 11
This is a course in the study of landscape horticulture with an emphasis on nursery operations, landscaping, turf management, and floral industries. Topics include basic botany, cultural practices, propagation, structures and layout, pest management, planting, container gardening and houseplants, floral design, plant identification, turf grass installation and care, and a survey of career opportunities. As part of this course, students will routinely use the on-campus greenhouse. Students will communicate by reading lab procedures, participating in class discussions, and using newspapers, textbooks, and science magazine articles. Students will be tested in various forms such as short-answer, essay questions on tests, and much more. For the speaking aspects of the class, each student will give individual and in-group classroom presentations. Students will learn the ethics of the class with the knowledge and adherence to classroom rules. Students are also required to participate in agricultural activities through the FFA.