The California Scholarship Federation (CSF), was started in 1921 by Charles F. Seymour. seeks to recognize students living in the state of California who possess high standards in academics.
CSF is a statewide club founded to honor students for their academic excellence. 100% membership is achieved by belonging to CSF in both semesters of one's sophomore, junior, and senior years. Lifetime membership is achieved by being a member for 4 of the 6 semesters. Students apply for membership each semester, using the previous semester's grades. An academic schedule of classes is strongly recommended to belong to CSF.
CSF members graduating as Lifetime members or higher wear white robes at the Le Grand High School graduation ceremony. Graduating members will also receive a gold cord/stole during the ceremony. The official CSF membership seal is also permanently applied to the student's LGHS
graduation diploma.

CSF es un club estatal fundado para honorary a los estudiantes por su excelencia académica. 100% de la membrecia es alcanzada siendo parte de
CSF los dos semesters del Segundo tercero y cuarto años de preparatoria.
Los estudiantes pueden solicitar para la membrecia cada semester utilizando las calificaciones del semester anterior. Un horario académico es recomendado para ser parte de CSF.
Los miembros de CSF se graduan como miembros de porvida y se les reconoce con listones blancos y un prendedor durante su graduación. Los graduados de CSF también reciben el sello official en su diploma.
Hailey R.
Sarai E.
Vice President -
Daniela G.
Janneth M.
Treasurer -